In other news, I've almost finished with the proofs for A Place Beyond Courage and we're almost there with the cover too. I've also been sorting out future projects in my head. Too soon to talk about them at the moment, but the ideas department is bustling away in the background.
Current Research Reading: The Domesday Book: A Complete translation published by Penguin - rather heavy to hold up in the bath it has to be said!
Fiction: Recently finished New Moon by Stephenie Meyer. Superstar author in the making, mark my words!
About to start Brethren by Robyn Young.
Music - Currently being inspired by HIM and Wicked Game. Cor!
Dear E. Chadwick,
I am so excited to hear about the second John Marshall book. It takes much longer to get them here in the states but I can wait. I have quite a collection of your books and I certainly hope you keep them coming! Your novel "Lords of the White castle" got me started on all things medeival. During my student teaching, I was so enthralled, I had third graders doing projects on the time period. I 've just stumbled on your blog, sorry to go on. I wanted to let you know I am anxiously awaiting the new release!
I thought the title for the second book suited the cover for the first, too! Will they think up a new title for the second book ("The Lion's Wife", maybe, if they're going to use the cover with the lady in the gold dress), or will you have a say?
Hi Jenny, thanks for stopping by the blog. I try to update it at least once a fortnight but sometimes life gets in the way!
I am honoured that 'Lords' inspired you to do a class on subjects medieval. Also makes me wonder what else I'm responsible for. I sometimes get accused of making people abandon housework to read, but that's entirely a good thing! Actually your post has inspired a thought on a subject for a future blog about getting started.
I'm not currently published in the USA, but you can obtain my novels from Amazon in Canada for a reasonable exchange rate - so I'm told.
Carla, yes, the title does suit doesn't it. And I think 'The Lion's Wife' would be a great title. I didn't have a say in their decision re Il Leone Scarlatto and I don't speak Italian. They know their market, so I'll probably leave it up to them. Spain has called Lords of the White Castle El Proscrito, which means 'The Outlaw' which I think is better than Lords of the White Castle.
Yeah, that title does roll off the tongue. Italian can sound dramatic or extra romantic sometimes. It's just too bad they didn't reserve it for the next book of the same title, but I'm sure they'll come up with a suitably great title for that one. It'll mainly be confusing for buyers.
I'm impressed with Waterstones Bookstore here in Cork. They've finally seen good sense and stocked your titles...current and backlist. They're all the new covers so they look fabulous on the shelf...they take up almost a whole shelf! =-)
~ Kemberlee
Dear Ms. Chadwick:
If you're about to read "Brethren", I think you may like it. I just finished it, and I thought it was extremely good! There are sequels, and I'm waiting for the next installment. That is quite rare for me.
Anne G
Susan, I thought you'd read New Moon a while ago! I loved it. Twilight (the sequel) is good as well, but not quite as good. I've got the third one, Eclipse, on pre-order from amazon. I blame Meyer for my current vampire fixation. :)
just thought id say even as a male i enjoy your books . you bring history to life i would just like to say thankyou
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