Friday, January 16, 2009

Temporary Website Blip

Just to say that my website has temporarily gone splat due to a technical hitch. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible! Thanks to Marg at Historical Tapestry for alerting me.

Also to say that in the next couple of days - hopefully Monday night at the latest, I'll have a new post up all about Medieval seals and an interesting conundrum re one of the Bigod ones that I've been investigating and still haven't resolved.

I think I mentioned but I can't remember, that I've put an excerpt from my work in progress about Mahelt and Hugh Marshal on my novel extracts blog.

Back anon, by which time I hope I'll have a website again!


1 comment:

Anne Gilbert said...

Sorry to hear about your website blip. Technical difficulties happen to the best of us, and they sometimes take a while to get resolved(I know this from experience). But take heart! It's usually quite a simple thing to resolve, once you get to the bottom of whatever is causing the problem.
Anne G