I'm back from a research break/holiday in Yorkshire that I'll be blogging about soon, but first up I thought I'd ease myself back into blogging by posting about a recent re-enactment event at Kenilworth Castle for English Heritage. No pictures of me (probably a relief :-) ) because I was behind the camera taking the photographs.
As I often mention, I'm a member of Regia Anglorum re-enactment society www.regia.org Sometimes though, I go to play with friends in other societies, and this was one of those occasions when I went along as a guest member of Conquest, who do Norman, Angevin and Plantagenet Living History. http://www.angevin.org/
I love attending these events because I always find out things I didn't know.
Here's a picture gallery of show and tell - enjoy! You can enlarge any picture by clicking on it.
Talking to medieval surgeon Toby Whittey, I was fascinated to learn about the thread used as sutures for stitching
Toby was also practising his trepanning skills with a tool copied from a 12thc treatise on medieval surgery - essential for men in the field struck on the skull and suffering from compression. It would be their one (slim) chance of survival.
Tony's stichery kit complete
with horsehair suture.
Click to enlarge! Apparently
modern gynaecological needles
aren't much smaller - yikes!
A spot of trepanning practice
More tools of the trade. Love the
dried frog in the foreground!
Tony's display and demonstration were only part of the day's delights. There was also a wise woman displaying her crafts, a woodturner and a weaver. Authentic food was provided on both days, being assorted pies on day one, and a stuffed salmon baked in a salt crust on day two. Various nibbles such as gingerbread, cheese and seasonal fruits were also on the menu.
Something to drink... (would have been alcoholic back in the day, but modern men who are going on the battlefield are not permitted intoxicating brews for health and safety reasons!).
Pies and a plum and apple compote from the visitor's tent.
Fishy goings on. The Salmon awaits his salt crust cover.
Weaving on a handloom. The end result
is going to be a tunic.
Click to enlarge
'Tigwald', busy at his wood turning with
the walls of Kenilworth Castle in
Tigwald's rather spiffy brooch. I love
seeing replica details like this in 3D
because the touch and feel add that
extra dimension when it comes to
the writing. Click on photo to enlarge.
A board game
A deacon's outfit.
A baron's private devotional in his campaign tent.
Preparing for battle. Where are the squires
when you need them? Probably at the
food tent!
Guard duty late 12thC style
Bring on the archers - standard archer
and crossbowman. The latter apparently
were much feared because it didn't take
years of training. Half an hour and anyone
could kill a king - and one did at Chalus
Chabrol. The sniper weapon of the 12th
and 13thC
Fearsome posing in well-fought kit