Just dropping by with a note to say I'm still slogging away on my edits for Daughters of the Grail. I have cut 13,000 off the original novel, and I think it's in better shape for it. I've finished the first run through and have printed off a copy to read at my desk rather than at my PC. I find that a different set of editorial skills are brought into play this way. A friend who is trained in NLP, says that it's because a different part of the brain is brought into play, depending on where you look. So gazing across at a PC screen is different to looking down at words on a page. With my regular manuscripts, I also read the work aloud to myself, (well to husband while he's playing Age of Empires on our spare PC!) thus adding audio to visual. Anyway, I hope to have 'Daughters' done and dusted by early next week at the latest, and thus have a little more time to post to my blog.
In the meantime, here's a photo of a pair of my shoes. They're goatskin 'poulaines' and are replicas of late 14thC shoes. They're a bit late for my arena, but they're of museum quality and were made for an exhibition. They were going for a very reasonable price and were my size, so I just had to have them. Fellow re-enactors will understand! You will find the originals in Shoes And Pattens: Medieval Finds from Excavations in London by Francis Grew and Margrethe de Neergaard Museum of London publications ISBN 0 11 290443 2
Even with the long toe area, they do look comfortable. Is that lamb's wool on the inside?
Hi Melinda and KC, thanks for dropping by :-)
Sorry not to answer for a few days but life got in the way.
Yes, the shoes are very comfortable and even though the fasteners just slide without buckles, they stay put. I don't know if it's lambskin or not. Definitely sheep of some kind though!
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