Saturday, September 15, 2012


The giveaway for A PLACE BEYOND COURAGE is now closed.  Congratulations to the winners.  UK and overseas -  Jenny Quinlan, Kate Sands and Kim Moss.  USA  Aimee Bajorek, Lisa Margolis and Kelly Place.

 But it's not over!   I am holding a NEW draw to celebrate the paperback UK release of LADY OF THE ENGLISH on Thursday 13th September.  It's a busy month for me with releases of these different books in the UK and the USA.

I have 3 copies of LADY OF THE ENGLISH in paperback to give away in the UK and the rest of the world excluding USA.  However, if you are in the USA, I do have one of my Sourcebooks editions of LADY OF THE ENGLISH (different cover)  to give away -  so that I don't leave anyone out!

If you want to enter the drawing for  LADY OF THE ENGLISH, just send an e-mail to and I will add you to the list.  Please say if it's for the USA draw.

Closing date will be 2nd October.  I'm away at the HNS conference on the 30th September,  so I'll leave it open a couple more days.

Short excerpt:
"At length, it was Matilda who broke the taut silence. ‘When I return from this ride, I am going to tell my father that I will accept this marriage with Anjou.’
            He looked straight ahead and said stiffly, ‘That is a wise decision, Domina.’  
             She shook her head. ‘I make it because I have no choice.  I make it because if I refuse, the House of Anjou will become our enemy and unite with France and Flanders. I know why my father considers it a wise and prudent move.  She nudged her mare closer to Sable and fixed him with a steady look. ‘But tell me, my lord, did you think of all the consequences when you discussed the matter with him in private council?
            Shadows like delicate bruises were smudged beneath her eyes and Brian  had to glance away. ‘Yes, Domina, I did…but your father would not be gainsaid, and in truth, his reasons are sound.’
            ‘And you cannot look at me, my lord.’
            ‘What would you have me do?’ Now he did meet her stare and forced himself not to flinch from her scrutiny. ‘I am your father’s liege man first, even while I honour his daughter.’
            ‘Honour.’ She exhaled down her nose. ‘I wonder at the substance with which we gild that word.’
            ‘When the time comes, I will not fail you; I swear on my own life.’
            ‘And who will call that time, my lord - You, or I?  And who will decide if you have or have not failed?’
            They rode in silence again, and Brian kept his distance because he knew that if he let her in, he would fall apart under the truth of her stare and he could allow that to happen.  She was right.  Honour was both a gilded fancy and a stinking corpse, and she had not been the one to murder it in the name of strategy."

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